A Cross Sectional Study of Medico-Legal Deaths in Adolescent Age Group Autopsied at Tertiary Care Hospital in Central Karnataka


  • Madhusudan Pai Intern/CRRI S S Institute of Medical Sciences &; Research Center, Davangere – 577005.
  • Siddesh R C Associate Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine &; Toxicology, S S Institute of Medical Sciences &; Research Center, Davangere – 577005.
  • Vijayakumar B Jatti Professor & HOD Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, S S Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Center, Davangere – 577005.




Adolescent’s deaths, Accidents, Suicides, Autopsy.


Background: An adolescent is defined as an individual aged between 11-19 years. They constitute about 21% of the Indian population. Mortality and morbidity occurring in this age group are mostly due to preventable causes. Mortalities inadolescents are cause of concern because they are the future of nation forming a major demographic and economic force. The purposeof this study is to analysis mortality in adolescents.

Methods:The present study is a hospital based, cross sectional and observational study of autopsy reports, police inquest forms, medico-legal case register of medico-legal deaths of adolescent age group victims of ages from 11 to 19 yrs. for a period of three years from January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2022 autopsied at department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and in patient case records from Medical Record Department.The cases were evaluated according to age, sex, the cause and manner of death and findings of toxicological analysis. Data was classified and statistically analyzed.

Conclusion: The majority of adolescent deaths were found to be related to external causes, in particular unintentionalinjuries. The accidental deaths accounts for 75.75% followed suicidal deaths (21.21%). Use of appropriate safety measures and strict law enforcementmay significantly reduce accidental deaths in adolescents. Suicides may be prevented by identification of risk factorssignificant family support and counselling by child psychologist.


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Original Article

How to Cite

A Cross Sectional Study of Medico-Legal Deaths in Adolescent Age Group Autopsied at Tertiary Care Hospital in Central Karnataka. (2024). Medico Legal Update, 24(3), 48-54. https://doi.org/10.37506/8z8xsd61